Entrepreneur and experienced executive Dalin Owen owns an IT consultancy firm in Miami, Florida. He founded the company in 2006 and oversees operations. The firm provides IT security, administration, and programming for corporate clients, helping them achieve holistic IT security. Before starting his consultancy, Dalin Owen spent six years at the Zenon Corporation, rising from the entry-level position of junior programmer to chief technical officer.
Previously, Dalin Owen served as chief technical officer for SherpaOnline, Inc. and Express Communications Group. While working for these Canadian companies, he gained valuable experience in database administration, FreeBSD and Linux server administration, installing and maintaining server infrastructure, and programming in languages such as PHP3, C, and Perl. He also acquired skills in leadership and task delegation.
Outside of his professional pursuits, Mr. Owen is a frequent donor to the Red Cross. He also enjoys studying law. His other extracurricular interests include reading books, programming, and scuba diving.